Mother Lode Chapter A&WMA

Events & News

28 Apr 2015

Dinner Meeting:  CEQA Update – Mitigation Measure or Project Feature?


  • Whit Manley, Counsel, Remy Moose Manley LLP
  • Gwen Pelletier, Senior Air Quality Scientist, CDM Smith


In a January 2014 decision by the California Court of Appeals, First District, the Court remanded an EIR prepared by Caltrans because it failed to "properly evaluate the significance of impacts" of the project that would occur without considering the mitigating project features designed to address those impacts.
Say what?
As is often the case with CEQA decisions, first impressions can be misleading.  For a table-pounding, all-complaints-welcome discussion of this decision, and how to avoid this particular pitfall, please join us and our guest speakers.

Who should attend?

This event is organized by the Mother Lode Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association.  This event may be attended by students and their professors, and interested members and their colleagues.  We welcome representatives of regulatory agencies, academia, industry, community and environmental groups, and the consulting community.


If you any questions regarding this event, please contact Todd Sax at or (916) 229-0884.

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