Events & News
12 OCT 2010 |
- Larry Greene, Air Pollution Control Officer, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
- Brigette Tollstrup, Division Manager, Program Coordination, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
- Christian Colline, Director, Air Program, West for Waste Management
Welcome to the brave new world of greenhouse gas rules and regulations! Three guest speakers will help us understand the ins and outs of EPA's new Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule. The Rule's requirements are phased in starting January 2, 2011. Between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2013, EPA estimates about 550 sources will need to obtain operating permits for the first time due to their greenhouse gas emissions; other estimates are even higher. Most of those sources will likely be solid waste landfills and industrial manufacturers, according to EPA.
Larry Greene, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District's (SMAQMD) Air Pollution Control Officer, will provide a brief overview of events leading up to the Tailoring Rule.
Brigette Tollstrup, SMAQMD Division Manager for Program Coordination, will talk about key components of the Rule and how it will work in Sacramento.
Our third speaker will be Christian Colline, PE, BCEE, CPP. Christian is Director of Air Programs - West for Waste Management. Christian will provide us with the solid waste management industry's perspective on the Tailoring Rule.
Who should attend?
This event is organized by the Mother Lode Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association. This event may be attended by students and their professors, and interested members and their colleagues. We welcome representatives of regulatory agencies, academia, industry, community and environmental groups, and the consulting community.
If you any questions regarding this event, please contact Todd Sax at or (916) 229-0884.
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