2024 Board of Directors
SCS Engineers - E-mail: Click Here
Yolo-Solano AQMD - E-mail: Click Here
RCH Group - E-mail: Click Here
Recology - E-mail: Click Here
Manatt - E-mail: Click Here
RCH Group - E-mail: Click Here
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Join A&WMA

Patrick (Pat) Sullivan
Chair, 2024 Term
Mr. Sullivan has over 34 years of experience in environmental consulting, specializing in Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas (GHG), Risk Assessment, and Landfill Gas (LFG) issues. He is a Senior Vice President and Managing Director for SCS Engineers’ (SCS) Consulting and Engineering Operations in the Southwestern U.S. He is also SCS’s National Expert on the Clean Air Act, and oversees national disciplines for GHG and Risk Assessment. Pat has published and/or presented over 150 technical papers in industry publications and conferences. He has been a member of the A&WMA since 1996 and on the Board of the Mother Lode Chapter since 2002.
Paul Hensleigh
Vice Chair, 2024 Term
Mr. Hensleigh is the Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer (DAPCO) with the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD). He has worked at the YSAQMD since 2000, and has been the DAPCO since 2005, where he currently oversees the engineering, planning, and compliance sections. Paul started at the YSAQMD as an engineer in the permitting group, and then worked his way up through the engineering division to become the DAPCO. Paul has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from San Diego State University, and prior to working at the YSAQMD, he worked as a permitting engineer at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for 3.5 years and the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District for 3 years. He's been an A&WMA member since 2000.
Paul Miller
Treasurer, 2024 Term
Mr. Miller is an environmental professional with more than 30 years of consulting experience. He worked as Manager of Air Quality Moving Laboratories for Environmental Measurements, Inc. from 1978-86. Since 1986 he has applied his background to CEQA and NEPA environmental assessments (working at EarthMetrics, Aspen Environmental Group, Environmental Science Associates (ESA), and the RCH Group). Paul is currently the Principal of Environmental Services at the RCH Group in Rancho Cordova. In this role he manages projects and mentors technical associates in the preparation of air quality, greenhouse gas emissions and noise analyses for a variety of CEQA projects.
Shannon Hatcher
Secretary, 2019 Term
Mr. Hatcher is an Air Pollution Specialist at the California Air Resources Board and has over 17 years in the environmental field with a focus on air quality and climate change. He has extensive expertise with general and transportation conformity requirements and compliance, emissions inventory development, mitigation strategy identification and quantification, and environmental impact analyses pursuant to CEQA and NEPA. Shannon received Bachelor of Science degrees in Environmental Science and Environmental Health & Safety from Oregon State University, and previously worked in the private sector as an environmental consultant prior to joining the California Air Resources Board. Shannon has served on the Mother Lode Chapter's Board since 2014.
Tyler Bowlin
Director, 2019 Term
Tyler Bowlin is an attorney specializing in environmental regulatory compliance counseling and enforcement defense. The bulk of his practice is related to the management of hazardous materials and hazardous waste. Through his practice, Tyler has experience working with, among others, California's Department of Toxic Substances Control; Air Resources Board; State Water Resources Control Board; Department of Pesticide Regulation; Public Utilities Commission; and numerous local entities, such as various District and City Attorneys, air quality management districts, regional water quality control boards, and Certified Unified Program Agencies. Prior to practicing law, he worked as a Project Manager for an oil-field servicing contractor specializing in leak detection and repair services for on- and off-shore oil production, transmission, and storage facilities. This position exposed Tyler to various regulators such as California's Division of Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Resources as well as numerous local entities. After his oil-field experience, Tyler worked as a law clerk for the engineering firm CH2M Hill. At CH2M Hill, Tyler worked on the remediation of the nation's largest environmental cleanup project, the Department of Energy's Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State.
Bryan Clarkson
Director, 2024 Term
Bryan Clarkson has over 21 years of experience in the resource recovery industry managing environmental compliance and permitting for landfills, transfer stations, and compost facilities. As a Group Environmental Manager, he has been involved with Recology's operations in California, Nevada, and Oregon. Bryan's responsibility for managing the company's groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas programs, along with oversight of operational regulatory compliance, has enabled him to provide valuable knowledge during the permitting process. Prior to joining Recology in 2000, Bryan gained considerable experience in the hazardous waste industry enabling him to oversee Recology's designated and hazardous waste acceptance programs. Bryan received his Bachelor of Science in Managerial Economics from U.C. Davis and a Certificate in Land Use and Environmental Planning from U.C. Davis Extension.
Tracey Harper
Director, 2019 Term
Ms. Tracey Harper is an environmental professional with over 30 years of experience at the state and local level. She began her career at the California Air Resources Board with stints in the research, planning, enforcement and executive office levels with her last position as liaison to the South Coast and San Diego Air Quality Management Districts. Tracey moved on to CalRecycle, formerly the California Integrated Waste Management Board, working as a liaison to local governments, developing policy, and acting as an advisor to the Chair. She moved onto Nevada County where she developed a new integrated waste management program, and lead a successful effort to take the county and surrounding jurisdictions' diversion rate to above 50% in 5 years. Now Tracey is back at CalRecycle charged with developing policy for textiles, tribes, and waste prevention. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science-Public Service with her core work in Environmental Policy.
Gwen Pelletier
Director, 2018 Term
Gwen Pelletier is an Environmental Scientist and Project Manager with CDM Smith and is the air quality lead for Northern California. With over 15 years of experience in the air quality field, she provides clients with technical assistance on a variety of issues including CEQA/NEPA analyses, air dispersion modeling, health risk assessments, permitting, and emissions inventories for criteria pollutants, toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases. Gwen has experience with diverse client types, including aviation, wastewater treatment, energy, and the industrial sector. Gwen has served as a Director on the Mother Lode Chapter's Board for several years.
Zuber Farooqui
Director, 2019 Term
Mr. Farooqui received a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M University - Kingsville in 2008. Zuber worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate in the University of North Carolina and the University of North Texas. He has been working as an Air Resources Engineer at the California Air Resources Board since 2012. Zuber has been associated with A&WMA since 2005; he has attended and presented technical papers at multiple A&WMA Annual Conferences/Exhibitions since then. Zuber served as President of the A&WMA student chapter at Texas A&M University-Kingsville from 2006 to 2008. In addition, he has served as President-Elect, President, and Director of Professional Engineers in California Government (PECG)-Fort Sutter Section during 2014-17 representing bargain unit 9. Currently, Zuber is a member of the Science & Engineering Committee at PECG’s Corporate office.
Crystal Reul-Chen
Director, 2018 Term
Dr. Crystal Reul-Chen brings her unending commitment to protecting human health and over 20 years of experience in the environmental field to A&WMA's Mother Lode chapter board. After exploring running her own business helping families reduce their exposure to toxic chemicals in the home environment, she recently returned to state service as CalRecycle's compost air emissions and composting technologies senior environmental scientist. With a doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA and a bachelor's in environmental engineering sciences from MIT coupled with regulatory development at California's Air Resources Board and grassroots compost and recycling program management in North and South America, she possesses a breadth and depth of understanding of the complex air and waste management issues facing us today. After two years as secretary of the A&WMA's Mother Lode chapter, she is looking forward to continuing to contribute as a director on the board.
Ray Kapahi
Director, 2019 Term
Mr. Kapahi has been providing air quality consulting services in the Sacramento and Northern California areas since 1983 when he joined Radian Corporation. Since that time, Ray has held positions at several consulting firms. In 1995, he started his own practice (Air Permitting Specialists [APS]) and continued to work in the air quality consulting business in Northern California. APS merged with Yorke Engineering, LLC in 2017, and Ray now heads Yorke's Sacramento office. He holds a BSc in Physics and a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering; these degrees were obtained in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada respectively.
Yasmeen Sultana
Director, 2019 Term
Ms. Sultana is an experienced air quality and climate change professional in Stantec's Bakersfield, CA office. With more than 10 years of experience, Ms. Sultana is experienced in regulatory advocacy, compliance planning and strategies, emissions control equipment design evaluation and assessment, air permitting and compliance, Title V air permit applications and compliance reports, variance applications, as well as conducting compliance inspections/audits of facilities designated as sources of air pollution. Ms. Sultana has first-hand experience working as a Compliance Inspector with the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) and is very comfortable with the internal workings of regulatory agencies. Ms. Sultana is also experienced in providing technical support related to emerging air, greenhouse gas, and methane regulations.
Todd Sax
Past Chair
Dr. Todd Sax has 22 years of experience in the environmental field focusing primarily on air quality and environmental health issues. He is currently the Chief of the California Air Resources Board's Enforcement Division where he oversees all ARB enforcement programs focused on stationary and mobile sources. Todd has also held various positions at the Air Resources Board working on mobile source emissions inventories, advanced technologies in the heavy-duty engine and vehicle sector, and environmental justice. In addition, he has worked in the private sector as a consultant and environmental engineer. Todd has served as the Chair of the Mother Lode Chapter of the Air and Waste Management Association since 2007.
Chuck White
Chuck White is a Senior Advisor at Manatt with over 25 years of regulatory and environmental consulting and experience, providing clients integrated, strategic advice on complex issues related to environmental policy. With a strong analytic background in the waste industry, government affairs and several professional trade associations, Chuck can advise on a range of matters, including solid waste, hazardous waste, air quality and water quality public policy issues.
Chuck comes to Manatt after heading a successful professional engineering practice offering consulting services related to California state government and environmental matters. As the former director of regulatory affairs with Waste Management in Sacramento for over 20 years, he gained an intimate understanding of how federal and state government regulations can impact key stakeholders in the environmental industry, having represented the interest of the waste management industry before federal, state, and local agencies. He is a registered professional civil engineer with the state of California and has served in a number of advisory roles pertaining to the development of public waste policies, permitting, remediation and enforcement.
Dan Jones
Dan Jones is a Project Manager at the RCH Group and an environmental professional with over a decade of experience in providing CEQA and NEPA environmental services to government agencies and private sector corporations. Dan’s technical areas of expertise include project management and document preparation and technical analyses in the areas of air quality, greenhouse gases/climate change, energy, and noise. Dan has been integral in the preparation of over 300 CEQA documents and technical studies.
Dan’s technical noise experience includes short-term and long-term noise monitoring and noise modeling with the Federal Highway Administration’s Roadway Construction Noise Model and Highway Traffic Noise Predication Model. Dan is proficient in a variety of air emissions model including California Air Pollution Control Officers Association’s CalEEMod, California Air Resource Board’s EMFAC and OFFROAD, and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District’s Road Construction Emissions Model.